Domingo Dirutigliano
Developer and H4ck3r 💻🪲
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Courses, jobs, competition and CTFs about cybersecurity and hacking

Cyberchallenge [Organizer]

- 2023
CyberChallenge.IT is the first Italian cybersecurity training program for talented young people from high schools and universities. In this edition I taught at Politecnico di Bari to the cyberchallenge class as teacher, teaching Software and Web security and training the class solving some CTFs, with the aim of build a strong team, ready for the national competition.
- 2023


- 2023
Co-founder of the CTF team Pwnzer0tt1 at poliba just at the end of Cyberchallenge 2022. Our group is composed by students who like playing CTFs and are interested in the field of cybersecurity. Together we play CTF and organize different projects that you can check on our website.
- 2023

Team Italy 2022

Jun 2022
- Aug
In the 2022 I joined again in the national team (Team Italy), with the best 20 italian hackers to partecipate to ENISA ECSC 2022 european competition.
Jun 2022
- Aug


Aug 2022
Firegex is a firewall with multiple functions made for CTF A/D competition that is able to filter connections with 0 down time using regexes in real time. It is made to be easy to use, fast to deploy and performing. Go here to see the source code and get more informations
Aug 2022


Jun 2022
- Jul
Me and Nicola Guerrera during the developing of the application firewall firegex discovered a vulnerbaility in the netfilter module in the linux kernel. At first we contacted the linux security team, sending a poc of the vulnerability, first discovered in a python script, and after replicated in a c program, you can find the poc in the github page created by us about the CVE here. After the release of a patch from the security team, we contacted the mitre requiring an identifier of the security problem, more details here
Jun 2022
- Jul

Olicyber 2022

- Apr 2022
The Italian Cybersecurity Olympics (Olicyber) are the program to enhance the excellence in cybersecurity for high schools. In the edition of 2022 I won the gold medal taking the 4th place in the national competition.
- Apr 2022

Olicyber 2021

The Italian Cybersecurity Olympics (Olicyber) are the program to enhance the excellence in cybersecurity for high schools. In the edition of 2021 I won the silver medal taking the 8th place in the national competition.

Cyberchallenge 2020

Feb 2020
- Aug
CyberChallenge.IT is the first Italian cybersecurity training program for talented young people from high schools and universities. In this occasion acquired my basic and advance notions about cybersecurity about hardware, software and web security, cryptography, cryptographic protocols and more. I won the first place at the Politecnico di Bari in this occasion, and this allowed me to enter in Team Italy 2020.
Feb 2020
- Aug

Team Italy 2020

Jun 2020
- Aug
Following my participation in the project Cyberchallenge.IT, after having faced all the races foreseen by the project itself, I soon received the invitation to join the national team (Team Italy). It was also a surprise for me to join the Italian cybersecurity team, which allowed me to meet older and certainly more experienced people than myself.
Jun 2020
- Aug