Domingo Dirutigliano
Developer and H4ck3r 💻🪲
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Feb 2023
- Jan 2024
Developer in nextome as a full stack developper with Nextome as a part-time job in the SCORE project during the studies of Software Engineering. The SCORE project's goal it's to realizing an industrial-grade platform that solves problems related to Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications, particularly those about interfacing all the elements interconnected through industrial telecommunications networks. Technologies used: Spring framework (using Kotlin), Python, MQTT, ModBus, React (Typescript), postgres, wireguard, bash, nginx.
Feb 2023
- Jan 2024


Feb 2024
- May
GoStudent is a digital platform that connects students to teachers in a virtual learning environment. I'm working as a teacher of IT, Math and Physics in GoStudent as a job to do during the studies of Software Engineering. Here there is a certificate relased by GoStudent for the 100th lesson done in the platform.
Feb 2024
- May


Oct 2022
- Feb 2023
GoStudent is a digital platform that connects students to teachers in a virtual learning environment. I worked as a teacher of IT and Math in GoStudent as a job to do during the studies of Software Engineering. Here there is a certificate relased by GoStudent for the 100th lesson done in the platform.
Oct 2022
- Feb 2023